
Showing posts from February, 2020

Relationship mistakes to learn from

  Relationship mistakes to learn from: -       Being too available -       Overthinking it -       Playing it too cool -       Not playing it cool enough -       Letting sex take over -       Choosing the wrong guys (lol) -         I wrote out these "mistakes" summer 2020 (age 25) after 2 failed "relationships"/ wrong guys. Now i know the real mistake; for my entire adult life, I haven't known who I was. I lived through men/ boys that had only spent a short period of time with. I'd meet a guy then live my life through them pretending it was meant to be. I put all my eggs in their baskets when I already knew deep down from the beginning they were always destined to fail. For years, I have cried, blamed, got angry at emotionally unavailable men and guys that I believed were "too good" for m...

Rewarding and recognizing accomplishments before setting your future goals

  Exercise: Before writing what you'd like to accomplish in the next 5 years, recognize what you already HAVE. Before I wrote this in my journal I had no idea how many things I accomplished, and i felt a real sense of pride. 1. What have you accomplished in the past 5 years? 2. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?  3. Weird one; but what would you like people to say when you die?

Does he tick all the boxes ?- Just for fun

  Exercise: Does he.. OR she.. Do YOU tick all the boxes? Written “just for fun” 12 th February 2020 (April 2021; I still relate back to this list, lol) - Females put a lot of expectations on men, but can you tick the boxes you create for YOURSELF?

Your lifestyle review

  Lifestyle review  Exercise; ask yourself these questions: