Chakras For Beginners

 Feel like a complete novice when it comes to your chakras? I hope this can help you. 1 year ago I didn't know a whole lot but I read a book guys, and read some things on the internet. Here's a summary.

Chakras for beginners

Chakra 1

            Root Chakra           

Color: Red

Element: Earth

Crystal/ Gemstone: Red jasper

Location: Base of spine

Energy center of physical safety, strength, vitality and survival methods

Balancing nutrition: Protein, minerals, root vegetables

Off balance: Pain and stiffness in your feet and legs, excess flexibility in your hamstrings/low sense of physical stability, feeling ungrounded, unsafe, and insecure, home life feels chaotic and unsettled, feeling stuck in life/low sense of flexibility

Chakra 2

Sacral Chakra         

Color: Orange

Element: Water

Crystal/ Gemstone: Carnelian

Location: Below bellybutton

Energy center of emotion, genitals, likes and dislikes, sensuality, attraction and social connections

Balancing nutrition: Fats/oils, fermented foods, tropical fruit, fish oil, nuts/ seeds, orange foods

Off Balance: Pain and stiffness in your low back and hips, feeling easily overwhelmed emotionally, loss of imagination and no creativity, out of touch with emotions and closed off, sexual and reproductive issues

Chakra 3

            Solar Plexus            

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire

Crystal/ Gemstone: Pyrite

Location: upper tummy/ diaphragm

Energy center of sense of self, individuality, integrity, will power and productivity

Balancing nutrition: Carbohydrates, healthy sweet foods, soluble fibre, legumes, whole grains

Off balance: Digestive issues and abdominal pain, low self-esteem, overinflated ego, inability to commit, inability to follow through with goals

Chakra 4

Heart Charka          

Color: Green

Element: Air

Crystal/ Gemstone: Rose quartz

Location: center of chest/ near heart

Energy center of love, forgiveness and compassion

Balancing nutrition: Leafy greens, “hearty meals”

Off balance: Pain in your upper back or chest, tight shoulders or, alternatively, overly flexible shoulders, inability to receive love in any of its forms, lack of self-compassion, feeling a sense of lack or loss with regards to love

Chakra 5


Color: Blue

Element: Akasha (sometimes regarded as sound)

Crystal/ Gemstone: amazonite

Location: Throat

Energy center of communication, creative expression. A key channel to your heart.

Balancing nutrition: Soups, moist fruits, teas

Off balance: Sore throat or laryngitis, jaw pain or habit of grinding your teeth, pain or stiffness in your neck, a habit of talking all the time/not knowing when to stay quiet, inability to speak up, set boundaries, or stand up for yourself

Chakra 6

3rd Eye chakra

Color: Indigo

Element: Light (a combination of water, earth, fire and air)

Crystal/ Gemstone: Amethyst

Location: Between eyebrows

Energy source of insight, psychic information and imagination

Balancing nutrition: Berries, omega-3/ brain food, caffeine*, pungent spices, dark chocolate, blue/ purple foods)

Off balance: Headaches, brain fog, lack of intuitive guidance, lack of inspiration, overactive, overwhelming imagination

Chakra 6

Crown Chakra

Color: Violet

Element: Pure light

Crystal/ Gemstone: Lepidolite

Location: Top of the head

Energy source of connection to the Universe/ god, divine guidance

Off balance: Headaches, inability to concentrate or focus on the task at hand, seemingly constant drama in your life, inability to see beyond your own small corner of the world, inability to take on other’s perspectives or practice empathy


More balancing methods:

-        Wearing colors of the chakra that’s off balance

-        Crystals/ stones the color of the chakra off balance (I have only used 1 popular example of each)

-        Essential oils

-        Meditation and the visualization of the colors

-        Sounds: 1-c, 2-d, 3-e, 4-f, 5-g, 6-a, 7-b

-        Reiki

      Keeping a journal

Crystals/ Stones

Red Jasper


Rose Quartz





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