Have gratitude for YOUR body

GRATITUDE FOR BODY May 2020 Exercise: start from the top or bottom of your body and have gratitude for every part, give yourself and reason to love and thank every single part. Thank you , feet and toes, for balance, walking and dancing Thank you legs for getting me around and looking good Thank you , vagina, WOMEN POWER Thank you , tummy Thank you, boobs Thank you , arms for my freckles and strength Thank you , hands and fingers for being able the write and create cool things Thank you shoulders for being elegant Thank you neck for looking “normal” and not like a turkey Thank you mouth for getting me where I am today Thank you nose for being decent Thank you eyes for looking great with lashes and letting me see Thank you ears for hearing Thank you eyebrows for being on fleek Thank you hair on my head for continuing to grow and rarely letting me down April 2021`- Thank you brain (and mind, I understand the importance of a healthy mind n...